štvrtok, 13 január 2011 12:03

What's New in 1.6?

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The principal changes introduced in Joomla 1.6 are:

  • New Access Control System - Allows site administrators control over who can view and manage content.
  • Unlimited Depth Organizational Model - Gives site administrators and content creators user-defined category levels that allow for the creation of a category tree with as many or as few levels for organizing articles and other content as needed.
  • One-Click Extension Updates - Allows users to keep sites secure and controlled by simplifying the process of updating extensions.
  • Semantic XHTML Layouts - Provides a better baseline for content presentation.

The following is a more complete list of changes.

Čítať 4543 krát Naposledy zmenené štvrtok, 13 január 2011 12:03
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